Chakras and Acupuncture Points

chakras and acupuncture points

 Sushumna located in the spine, is the main channel through which flows Kundalini, a primordial energy which is present in every human being and evolves in the center of the spinal cord, from the sacrum to the top of the head. Kundalini yoga is the awakening of self-awareness by controlling the energy, was introduced to Europe through Carl Gustav Jung in 1932, when the discipline was unknown in the West.

Kundalini is a Sanskrit term related to Yoga. It designates a powerful energy coiled in the first chakra called Muladhara and whose position corresponds to the perineum. It is represented as a snake coiled on itself three times and a half. Through the practice of meditation, Kundalini would awaken and would ride along the spine from the sacrum to the fontanelle, progressing of one of seven chakra to another in order to harmonize one by one. Kundalini is described as "vital energy".

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the chakras are located on the Du May vessel (DM) which is a fundamental meridian in Chinese medicine. Each chakra corresponds to a specific point on that meridian and actions on the functions of various organs corresponding to it.

The seventh chakra, the  crown chakra or from the sky  located on the  Du May vessel (20DM), is linked to the pineal gland (epiphysis). Its action relates to the activity of the cerebral cortex, it has an important action on the flow of energy in the body and mental activities, concentration and memory. It harmonizes the yang energy of the body.

The sixth chakra, the  third eye , located on the Du May vessel (DM) is the only chakra that has no point correspondence with the points of the governor vessel. However, it is linked to the pituitary gland and supports the function of the eyes and nervous system.

The fifth chakra, the  throat chakra  located on the Ren May vessel (21RM), is the center of the respiratory system in relation to the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is important for the functioning of the neck, voice and hands.

The fourth chakra, the  heart chakra  (17RM), is related to the heart, circulatory system, lungs and thymus. The link with the thymus is important to work with children because this gland atrophies rapidly with age, it has the function of cell production in early life.  This point is the master of the higher hearth.

The third chakra, the  solar plexus  (12RM and 6DM) is connected to the pancreas. It has an action on the liver and gall bladder and the digestive system (stomach).  This point is the master of the median hearth.

The second chakra is the  hara  (8RM and 4DM), the center of energy. It is linked with the kidneys, the reproductive system, the intestines and the immune system. This point is the master of the lower hearth,  it regulates the activity of the ovaries and testes (gonads).

The first chakra, the  root chakra  corresponds to point 3 of the ship design (3RM). It is related to metabolism, lymphatic system and bladder. It is linked to the adrenal glands.