P 9 - 60 Command Pts

P 9 - 60 Command Pts

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P 7 - 60 Command Pts

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H 9 - 60 Command Pts

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H 8 - 60 Command Pts

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H 7 - 60 Command Pts

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H 4 - 60 Command Pts

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H 3 - 60 Command Pts

LU 11 - 60 Command Points

LU 11 - 60 Command Points

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LU 10 - 60 Command Points

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LU 9 - 60 Command Points

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LU 8 - 60 Command Points

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LU 5 - 60 Command Points

Chakras and Acupuncture Points

chakras and acupuncture points

 Sushumna located in the spine, is the main channel through which flows Kundalini, a primordial energy which is present in every human being and evolves in the center of the spinal cord, from the sacrum to the top of the head. Kundalini yoga is the awakening of self-awareness by controlling the energy, was introduced to Europe through Carl Gustav Jung in 1932, when the discipline was unknown in the West.

Kundalini is a Sanskrit term related to Yoga. It designates a powerful energy coiled in the first chakra called Muladhara and whose position corresponds to the perineum. It is represented as a snake coiled on itself three times and a half. Through the practice of meditation, Kundalini would awaken and would ride along the spine from the sacrum to the fontanelle, progressing of one of seven chakra to another in order to harmonize one by one. Kundalini is described as "vital energy".

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the chakras are located on the Du May vessel (DM) which is a fundamental meridian in Chinese medicine. Each chakra corresponds to a specific point on that meridian and actions on the functions of various organs corresponding to it.

The seventh chakra, the  crown chakra or from the sky  located on the  Du May vessel (20DM), is linked to the pineal gland (epiphysis). Its action relates to the activity of the cerebral cortex, it has an important action on the flow of energy in the body and mental activities, concentration and memory. It harmonizes the yang energy of the body.

The sixth chakra, the  third eye , located on the Du May vessel (DM) is the only chakra that has no point correspondence with the points of the governor vessel. However, it is linked to the pituitary gland and supports the function of the eyes and nervous system.

The fifth chakra, the  throat chakra  located on the Ren May vessel (21RM), is the center of the respiratory system in relation to the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is important for the functioning of the neck, voice and hands.

The fourth chakra, the  heart chakra  (17RM), is related to the heart, circulatory system, lungs and thymus. The link with the thymus is important to work with children because this gland atrophies rapidly with age, it has the function of cell production in early life.  This point is the master of the higher hearth.

The third chakra, the  solar plexus  (12RM and 6DM) is connected to the pancreas. It has an action on the liver and gall bladder and the digestive system (stomach).  This point is the master of the median hearth.

The second chakra is the  hara  (8RM and 4DM), the center of energy. It is linked with the kidneys, the reproductive system, the intestines and the immune system. This point is the master of the lower hearth,  it regulates the activity of the ovaries and testes (gonads).

The first chakra, the  root chakra  corresponds to point 3 of the ship design (3RM). It is related to metabolism, lymphatic system and bladder. It is linked to the adrenal glands.

Back Shu Points - Alarm Points

Back Shu Points - Alarm Points

Front MU - Alarm Points

Front MU - Alarm Points

Governing DU Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Governing DU  Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Conceptional REN Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Conceptional REN  Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Urinary Bladder Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Urinary Bladder Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Kidney Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Kidney Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Gall Bladder Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Gall Bladder Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Liver Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Liver Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Stomach Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Stomach Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Spleen Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Spleen Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Triple Warmer Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Triple Warmer Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Pericardium Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Pericardium Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Small Intestine Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Small Intestine Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Heart Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Heart Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Large Intestine Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Large Intestine Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Lung Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Lung Channel - Acupuncture Meridians

Kidney - Human Organ


The kidney is the manifestation of the yin aspect of the water element in the body (the yang aspect of the water element in the body is the Bladder).  The kidney is more solid while the Bladder is more hollow.

The emotion associated with the kidney is fear.  If we are afraid we ‘go to water’.

The Kidney stores the vital fluid jing.  The jing is something like our constitution – what we are born with (some people are born healthier than others).  Any congenital problem, development or reproductive problem is a kidney disfunction.   Our constitution makes a contribution to digesting our food also – some people have delicate digestions from birth.  If you’ve had a bad chill on the kidneys you will know that it affects your appetite.

The kidney is in charge of the water in our bodies.  Primarily this means urination.  However disturbances in urination can lead to water retention (oedema) or dehydration.  There are also the usual disturbances such as frequent urination or waking many times during the night to urinate.

The curious concept of  ‘marrow’.  The marrow is the stuff in our bones (roughly the same as in modern western medicine).  However this is expanded in acunpuncture to include the contents of the spine and cranium.  Thus deformities of bones and problems with spine or brain are to do with the kidney in acupuncture.  The lower back (roughly where the kidneys are located), knees and feet are especially related to the kidney.  When we are very afraid our knees knock (it doesn’t only happen in cartoons) and we feel week in the lower back.

Three orifices.  Two down, one up.  The kidney is in charge of the ear, the urethra (and genitalia) and the anus.  As sexual vitality declines men (especially) will take a kidney tonic to assist them in this aspect of their lives.  Diarrhoea in the early morning (commonly known as ‘cock’s crow diarrhoea) is especially indicative of a kidney problem.  When we are afraid it can lead to one or both of our two lower orifices opening (to put it delicately).

The kidney has a role in our breathing, especially in inspiration.  Think of how you can battle for breath when you are afraid.

Finally, the kidney (our constitutional strength) also provides the fire of digestion.  Think of how your digestion shuts down when you are afraid.

Old age is easily seen to be the diminishment of jing and kidney energy (kidney qi).  Problems with bones, hearing, urination, diminishing vitality – especially sexual – is all part of old age.

Checking out the kidney function is your life.  If you have problems with one of the following see if it matches with other parts of the kidney’s function.

    Bones, especially feet, knees and lower back.
    Breathing, especially the in breath.
    Sexual vitality
    Hearing (including listening).
When one of these occurs for you, or someone else, check if any of the others may be present as well.  Most likely at least one of them will be.

The kidney is the yin manifestation of the water element in the body.  Being the yin aspect of the water element the kidney is more solid than the bladder, which is the yang aspect of the water element in the body.

The Channel.

The kidney channel begins on the sole of the foot – the only acupuncture channel to do so.  The point where the channel begins (Ki-1) is behind the ball of the big toe and towards the centre.  You will probably feel a kind of hollow.
It then crosses the arch of your foot, crosses behind the ankle and then continues up the inside of the leg and onto the torso.  It finishes just below the clavicle (collar bone).
Any signs or symptoms along the course of the channel may indicate a kidney problem.  With all of the acupuncture channels any sign or symptom along its course may indicate a problem for that channel.  This gets complicated on the torso especially: which means that other ways of diagnosing are also used.

The Organ.

Vital Fluid
The kidney stores one of the vital fluids, called “jing”.  This is often translated “essence”, but there are other translations also.  This is something like what we mean when we talk about our ‘constitution’.  It is the bank of energy we are born with.

Experiencing Your Kidney

If you get up during the night, do you walk on a cold surface?  If so, do you then feel the need to urinate?  (For instance if you walk across cold tiles to get back to bed, by the time you have done so, do you feel the need to urinate again?)
Try walking on a cold surface as normal.  Then find a way to walk on it without kidney-1 making contact with the cold (by scrunching up your toes walk on your heels and toes or just by walking on your heels).  Does this feel different?  If so, how?
Do you have any signs or symptoms along the course of the channel.  Eg pain or skin outbreaks or discolouration?

Pericardium : Human Organ


The Pericardium (sometimes called the Heart Protector) is part of the fire element in the body.  The fire element is unusual – it has two manifestation each of yin and yang.  Unlike the other elements which have only one manifestation of yin and yang.  The fire element in the body manifests in the heart and pericardium (yin), and the Triple Heater (sometimes called Triple Warmer, Triple Burner or by its Chinese name Sanjiao) and Small Intestine (yang).

Organ and Channel.

The Pericardium is the membrane around the heart.  In western medicine it is fairly unimportant.  In acupuncture it is of major importance.

The channel runs from just outside the nipple down the inside of the arm (the side with less hair on it) to the tip of the middle finger.

Points along the channel (as with all the channels) are used to treat local problems.  With the Pericardium perhaps the best know example is using it to treat “tennis elbow”.
As the Pericardium is part of the fire element in the body it is affected by fire.  Because it is the membrane around the heart it can be used to treat the heart, especially problems associated with the ‘mental’ aspect of the heart (fainting. loss of speech, constant laughter).

A healthy pericardium means we can open and close our heart as we need to.

Checking the health of your Pericardium
Can you open your heart to others?  Or are you cold?
Can you close your heart to others?  Or do you get too hot (manic)?
Do you have hot palms when the weather isn’t very hot?
Do you have any pain along the inside of your arm?

The Triple Heater : Human Organs

The Triple Heater

The Triple Heater is also called the Triple Warmer, the Triple Burner, or sometimes even, the Three Burning Spaces.  It is also sometimes known by its Chinese name Sanjiao.  It has no equivalent in modern western medicine.

The Triple Heater is part of the fire element in the human body.  The fire element is unique – it has two manifestations each of yin and yang – the other elements only have one manifestation each of yin and yang.  The Triple heater is part of the yang of the fire element in our bodies (the other is the Small Intestine).  The yin of the fire element in the human body is the Heart and Pericardium.

The Triple Heater is also different to the other organs and channels.  It is also used as a way to refer to different parts of the body.

The Triple Heater as Body Divisions.
The Upper Heater is above the diaphragm and so includes the heart and lungs.  The Middle Heater is from the diaphragm to the umbilicus (belly button) and so includes the stomach, spleen and liver.  The Lower Heater is from the umbilicus to bottom of the torso and so includes kidneys, bladder and intestines.  This division refers to the three processes of energy processing in our bodies – inspiration and exhalation (upper heater), digestion (middle heater) and elimination (lower heater).  In acupuncture you will see breathing difficulties sometimes called an “upper heater disorder” or a digestive upset called a “middle heater problem”.  (This will depend on the root cause of the problem referred to.)

The Triple Heater channel begins on the ring finger (the one closest to our little finger) near the outer boundary of lower part of the nail.  It then travels up the middle of the yang side of the arm (the outside with more hair on it) across the shoulder, up the neck around the ear and ends at the outside edge of the eyebrow.

The Organ
There is no physical structure that corresponds to the Triple Heater as there is with all the other organs.  It is a collection of functions.

The Functions
The Triple Heater distributes energy throughout the body.  One traditional description of the Triple Heater is “The Official in Charge of irrigation (or the waterways)”.  It sends the energy that is taken from the air, food and water we take in and sends it to the different parts of the body.

Like the other arm yang channels (the Small Intestine and the Colon) the points on the Triple Heater channel aren’t used much to treat the ‘organ’ (or in the case of the Triple Heater to effect its function).  The points are mostly used to treat local problems

Gall Bladder - Human Organ

Gall Bladder

The Gall Bladder is the yang aspect of the wood element in the body.  As the yang organ it is hollow, compared to the Liver (the yin aspect of the wood element in the body) which is solid.

Curious or extraordinary

The Gall Bladder is slightly different to the other yang organs.  It manufactures bile (to assist with the digestion of fats) while the other yang organs don’t manufacture anything.  In the texts this is usually called ’storing’, but this doesn’t make sense as the Bladder stores urine, so I have used the term ‘manufacture’, which I think is more accurate.  For this reason it is called “curious” or “extraordinary”.  (You may see in acupuncture textbooks reference to the “curious fu” or “extraordinary fu” which means the curious or extraordinary yang organs in the body.)

The Channel

The Gall Bladder channel runs up the side of the body – from the outside of the foot, up the outside of the leg and chest, the neck and side of the head to the outer end of the eyebrow.  Any problem along the course of the channel may indicate a problem with the Gall Bladder.


Along with the Liver the Gall Bladder is involved with our moving to action.  The Gall Bladder’s special role is initiating action.  When this is not working well we feel stuck.  (Try standing and then wavering side to side (from one Gall Bladder channel to the other).  When doing this it is impossible to take that first step to initiate action).

How is your Gall Bladder?

Fat Digestion.
Do you crave oily food?  Is an oily curry one of the joys of life?

Do you have trouble digesting fats?  Do they give you indigestion?

Moving smoothly into action.
Once you know what you want do you find it easy to go after it?

Does iniating comes easily to you?

Is initiating an effort for you?

LIVER - Human Organ

Human Anatomy Liver


The Liver is the yin aspect of the wood element in the body.  Compared to the Gall Bladder (the yang aspect of the wood element in the body) the Liver is solid.  This means that it is the yin aspect of a yang element.  The wood element is particularly concerned with growth and blockages to growth and so the need to take action.  Ideally we grow smoothly and easily – and are able to readily deal with any blocks to this process.

The Channel

The Liver channel flows from the inside of the foot up the inside of the leg, around the external genitalia and across the abdomen.


Traditionally the Liver is said to be in charge of “The free flow of qi”.  This means that we can move smoothly from seeing a vision and devising plans to implementing them.  It also applies at the daily level – combining a good balance of activity and rest and moving smoothly from one to the other.

Getting ‘Hyper’ and Getting ‘Stuck’

If you feel like you are on overdrive then this is a liver problem.  The traditional saying is that, “The Liver tends to excess”.  If you can’t sit still and rest and are always planning the next initiative this is a Liver imbalance.  Likewise if you feel you can’t get stuck and feel chronically frustrated and/or depressed this indicates a Liver imbalance.


The Liver stores blood.  This makes it of particular importance for the female cycle.  It also makes it important for sleep.  The blood is said to return to the Liver when we sleep.


Insomnia, where our head is racing and we are thinking furiously indicates a Liver problem.  Likewise any disturbance to a woman’s cycle may involve a Liver problem (in our culture, where we are asked to live by the clock rather than in accord with our bodily rhythms, this is not uncommon).

Tendons and Nails.

The Liver governs the tendons.  These are the parts of our bodies that provide flexibility.  People who are particularly of a Liver body shape are ’string beans’ or a ‘bean pole’.  These people are usually tall and skinny.  They often surprise us by being able to work longer and harder than those with more prominent muscles.  This is because it is the tendons that are being used.  (They will also often walk with a clumping gait and (in men) have a prominent ‘Adam’s Apple’.)

If there is a Liver problem the nails will be not be healthy (they may be soft, withered(dry,Shrink), deformed(Not in Normal shape) or chipped(Cut or Broken).

The Eyes.

The Liver is important for our vision.  This is true of our physical eyes and for our vision of our lives and what is possible in the world.

Dry eyes, nightblindness or dryness of the eyes indicate a Liver imbalance.  Likewise, having no vision or being unable to plan is a Liver problem.

The Health of Your Liver.


Do you go to sleep easily and wake refreshed?

Do you have a problem getting to sleep because you are still thinking?

Planning and Doing
Can you move smoothly from seeing your vision to taking action?

Does your day have a rhythm and flow to it?

For women: does your cycle flow smoothly and easily?